
Hi there! This is a free layout donated for Kasumi to redistribute, made by Kaeri, of Skies of Light! It's a pretty blue layout which features Pikachu on the banner, and nice, peaceful clouds as a background repeating image near the bottom of the page.

How to Use

This layout is pretty straightforward and easy to use~ ^_^ I've even put some HTML comments inside the layout. They won't show up on the actual layout, but are there when you edit this layout to make it easier and less pressuring for you~

But! Here are some things you might need to know first...

Link Sections: Link sections are the sections of links in either the left and right menu bars. This is how you can add a new link section to either of the menu bars, if you ever have to. ^^

Just copy and paste the above code into either the left or right menu bar sections while editing the HTML coding. ^_^ To add just one link, use the code below:

Just replace the # symbol with the URL (website address), and Link Here.


Please leave all the credits in the right menu bar. ^_^ Don't remove them, or modify them, although, you may move them to a Thanks/Credits page. =D


If you like this free layout so much that you'd like to download it, just click on the download link below!


-Wishjirachi and Kaeri