Team Rango: Thankyou Team Rango, (the staff members and Dalton =D) for always being there and providing helpful ideas and stuff. =] You're one of my bestest buddies, and I also really enjoy helping out your site by being a graphics designer. ^_^ Thanks Team Rango!
Keanno/Daichi: Thanks heaps Keachi (mix of Keanno + Daichi) for being one of my first friends, for lots of constructive opinions, and for just being there all the time when I want to chat to someone. Your graphics are also some of the best on the net! Thanks Keachi!
RE: Thankyou RE, so much! Before I even started making a website, I really respected you and saw you helping with graphics in lots of other sites. Your graphical skills are really super awesome, and by helping other webmistress's and webmasters, you had really inspired me. =) I hope to one day be as awesome as RE. Thanks!
CHUKLAE: Thanks CHUKLAE... for... what can I say? everything! =D You were one of my first internet friends, my first friend website back at Perish Song, and you really inspired me. Thanks for helping me out with all these complicated matters with HTML when I was still a n00b, like with the styleswitcher [at Perish Song], and lots of other HTML stuff which I can't think of right now... ^_^';. But anyway, thanks!
Acchan: Thanks Acchan! Acchan, you were also one of my first internet friends, and I also really admired the fact that when you first started your website on Piczo, I was really impressed that it actually looked like a real HTML website, unlike all the other glittery flashy Piczo sites I had seen. ^_^ Your graphics are also really great, and you've been an awesome, talkative friend. I also really love the Pokemon F.A manga you write, so thanks heaps, for doing what you do =D
Silver: Thankyouu Silver! <3 You 've been one of my bestest friends and you have an awesome site which I'm really happy to be a staff member of. I always look up to you and your awesome graphic making/layout design skills and you 're just always there =D Thanks Silver!
All my affiliates and friends: Thankyou for always being there, and helping to shape Kasumi to what it is now, in the present. =D
Jenviousity: Thanks Jenviousity. ^_^ you were Perish Song's former host, and you also helped me about some HTML questions I had.=D Your layouts and graphics were also really great! Also, thanks alot for the layout template I used for V.01 of Kasumi!