And so, Wishjirachi set out on her mission to bring color and prettiness to her Wordpress blog. For days, and weeks she searched, but found nothing. Well actually, Wishjirachi found some useful information... but it was too complicated... and Wishjirachi gave up. XD
One of the complicated tutorials had something about HTML and CSS, but back then, Wishjirachi was much more stupider than you know her today. x3 She didn't know what they were.
One day, Wishjirachi went to the library. While she was borrowing some Pokemon anime DVDs, she saw a bookshelf.
The Bookshelf had a book. Wel actually, it had heaps of books... but Wishjirachi was only concentrating on one book.
It was called...
"HTML for Dummies"
The pieces clicked into place. HTML + for dummies = super smart Wishjirachi who knows how to customize her blog! xD Wishjirachi was super excited! She couldn't wait to get back to her laptop so she could try out all the cool "HTML" stuff she'd heard about in the Complicated Tutorial!
Suddenly... Wishjirachi saw another book! It was called "CSS for Dummies"! She read the blurb (the words on the back of the book) on the CSS for Dummies book. It seemed super boring interesting
so, Wishjirachi borrowed both of the books.
When Wishjirachi got home, guess what she did?!
she made herself instant noodles! (the only thing that Wishjirachi can cook without ruining it )
After eating, Wishjirachi opened the book and started reading. She finished both of the books in only a matter of days weeks.
By then, Wishjirachi knew much more about "Complicated Stuff" (a.k.a HTML and CSS) than she ever did in her entire life! Wishjirachi logged onto her Wordpress blog account. She saw an option, called "Edit HTML/CSS". Wishjirachi clicked it, and to her surprise, she saw a pile of weird looking words!
But now, all some of them made sense! She found the img tag, and changed the image to a test one she'd made in Paint! Wishjirachi clicked "OK", and it worked! Wishjirachi
was so happy that her efforts paid off, that she decided to make another better banner!
She went on Google Images and found a nice background texture and an image to go on top. Then she added text, and it was done! It was the best graphic that Wishjirachi had ever made in her entire life! (well back then it was... )
Wishjirachi's teacher slowly let the class network of blogs die. Most of Wishjirachi's classmates forgot about it, and there wasn't much point of even Wishjirachi updating her blog anymore!
One day, Wishjirachi went to visit Piplup-Princess's site. It was one of her favourite websites back then, and still is one today. Wishjirachi then saw the Affiliates section! Well actually, Wishjirachi always saw the Affiliates section when she visited Piplup-Princess's site, but she never paid any close attention to them
Wishjirachi clicked on one of the affiliates. It took her to another Pokemon fansite. It was really awesome! (I can't remember which site it was now ;_;) then on that site, there was another section for affiliates! Then... Wishjirachi began to understand.
Affiliates weren't just random links... they were links to another site with similar content, that displayed a link back to your site! Then, Wishjirachi decided to create a Pokemon fansite! But... after visiting several more fansites, she began to see more and more of the same content...
Then, Wishjirachi decided that when she made her website, she wanted to have original content. Different, unique, and yet awesome, at the same time. She started yet another blog. ^^
It was hosted on Wishjirachi really liked owning the blog, but... she didn't know how to add actual pages. She decided to move all the content at her blog to her new site, which was hosted at
Wishjirachi knew HTML, but she didn't know how to code a full layout... so! She made a normal site at Webs! Not an Advanced HTML site, just an Easy Site Builder website. =)
Wishjirachi called it Wishjirachi's World. Wishjirachi's World was really great! Wishjirachi's World received many affiliates, content, and lots of other awesome things! But one day... the day of doom arrived...
Wishjirachi found out... that she couldn't make anymore pages! On Web's Easy Site Builder Mode, you could only have 20 pages! So then Wishjirachi set out to learn how to code a full HTML layout.
And so, Perish Song was born. Perish Song was a full HTML site, named after Wishjirachi's favourite move on her Pokemon Pearl game. Wishjirachi used a basic layout template from Umbreon's Palace.
The layout template was 3-columned. It had a banner with a Mismagius, made in Paint. It looked like this: [link]. Yes, that was made in paint. With a background texture from Google. And some picture editing tools from Photobucket's image editor.
Wishjirachi then learnt how to make a styleswitcher with the help of CHUKLAE. Wishjirachi was really happy with the new style she'd made! It features Jirachi, and was a calming blue-green color scheme with gradients!
The banner of the Jirachi style looked like this: [link]. I had just downloaded GIMP at that time. I know I wasn't good at it back then... and that banner was the best I could come up with.
Perish Song blossomed and bloomed. It gained lots of new affiliates and friends, loads of new content, and even moved hosts to Jenviousity! Our new domain was!
As Wishjirachi learnt more and more about owning a website, she decided she needed to change the layout once again! The layout template was from Jenviousity this time... it was a two columned layout. The affiliates and friends were in a section in the banner, and the links to all the content were in the left navigation. Wishjirachi really liked the new layout, and made lots of new styles and banners, all the time while learning more and more HTML as well as CSS commands! Then... one day... Wishjirachi went to log on to the Control Panel for Perish Song. It wasn't letting her log on! *dun dun dunnnnn* (dramatic music plays)
Anyway, Wishjirachi went into full out panic mode. All that hard work in completing that HTML for Dummies book! Wishjirachi didn't have any backups of any files... not even the graphics! Wishjirachi sent an email to Jenviousity (Perish Song's website host) to find out what was happening.
A few years hours passed. Jenviousity replied. She said that there was some problems with stuff and
that it would be fixed at the start of next week. =) Wishjirachi was relieved. Alll the files and graphics
were going to be back soon, and Wishjirachi's full-out panic mode soon dissolved into nothingness.
"Now... what to do?" Wishjirachi thought. Wishjirachi made a few more graphics. She made some for Onogori-PMD and Team Rango, two of the [super awesome] sites that Wishjirachi was a graphics designer on. Wishjirachi began to enjoy more of the internet, such as Youtube, and lots of other stuff. The week soon passed, and yet Perish Song was still not up again! Wishjirachi timidly sent another email to Jenviousity, and she replied saying there was a little more issues, and that her site and all the sites she hosted would soon be up again. Wishjirachi felt... relief... then worried, and finally happy. Everything would go back to normal!
Well Wishjirachi then had an awesome idea! She would make a new layout for when Perish Song opened again! She would surprise the visitors [that still visited Perish Song] with a new layout surprise! Wishjirachi worked for hours and hours. This time, the layout was going to be 100% by herself... or so she thought.
Wishjirachi was soon stuck on something that would not go correct! She didn't have the HTML/CSS skills yet, and Wishjirachi kept on using the margin tag things in the CSS coding to position the layout, and finally, it was finished! A real masterpiece! x3 Wishjirachi quickly went on Internet Elorer, and Google Chrome. She knew the layout worked on Firefox, but she wanted to make sure that it would work for the other users that used different internet browsers. Google Chrome... check! The layout was super awesome on Google Chrome! Wishjirachi loaded up internet elorer... and... guess what?!
the layout... looked so distorted and horrifying, that Wishjirachi hid behind her laptop. xD
She made a plan to make to layout pretty! Wishjirachi changed a few codes in the CSS coding. Then, when Wishjirachi viewed the layout on Internet Elorer again, it had completely dissapeared! Well actually, there was a giant scrollbar at the bottom of the page, and Wishjirachi scrolled on the scroll bar until she saw the layout on the far side. It looked fine... except for the annoying scrollbar. >.>
Wishjirachi looked at the layout in Google Chrome and Firefox again, just to make sure the layout was working on those browsers still. The layout on Google Chrome and Firefox looked now...
Well to put it nicely, it was about 10 times worse than the first layout viewed in Internet Elorer. x3 Wishjirachi decided, that she needed help then. A hero, who would save Wishjirachi's eyes from the horrifying sight on the layout. Oh, and fix it up so the layout was visible in all browsers.
And it was... Seadra. From Dewgong's Sea. =) He helped a whole lot, and the end result was amazing! and... the best thing was that the layout looked pretty! and, that Wishjirachi's eyes didn't need to be shielded anymore... oh! and Wishjirachi had learnt a whole lot from this lesson
In case you're wondering, I'll describe what the layout looked like. It was a 3-columned layout that looked like one from Team Rango's website, but it was coded only by using divs. The 3 main colors were a darkish green, black, white, and a reddish color. The layout would feature the Pokemon named Gardevoir. =) Here's the original banner image, and the pale box on the banner was a place that I was going to put the styleswitcher. =3 [banner link]. The background color was black, and the content was white. The text was a dark green on the content, and pale green on the menu sidebars. The menu-headers were dark crimson with white capitalized text. The main fonts used were Arial and Georgia, which was a simple serif font, but which was prettier than the Times New Roman font.
Anyway, the day finally came! Perish Song was opened and it should have been a happy ending, but... Wishjirachi wasn't motivated on Perish Song anymore... not updating for a long time as well as surfing the internet and playing her DS more, she didn't feel like owning Perish Song anymore. Plus, the fact that Wishjirachi had been accepted into a high school and skipping grade 7 and all these complicated matters and visits and everything. Wishjirachi... closed down Perish Song. She left a farewell message, and dissapeared.
After a practice lesson on Wishjirachi's transition day to her new [high] school, it was a HTML lesson. We were taught about the basic codes, about the first tags... the < html>, < head>, < title> and < body> tags and closing tags, etc. Wishjirachi then... became interested in HTML again! She wanted to be able to code more layouts, write more content, and and own a website again. So... Kasumi was born.
And so... Wishjirachi and her website Kasumi lived happily ever after! (for now =P)