Forum Signatures

Hello there! This page has some nice forum signatures you can use when posting in forums as your signature! Please read the rules before using though! Signatures are typically banners, but at a smaller size. They can also have text, images, and other stuff too!


  • There's no need to give credit/link back as long as you don't claim that you made it. ^_^
  • If anyone asks if you made the signature or something similar, please redirect them to Kasumi. =D
  • Click the previews to go to the full size!

Do you think you can follow the rules above? Well they're pretty simple, so I think you'll manage. x3 Please continue below!~ =D

forum signatures by Acchan

forum signatures by JirachiFan


Credits go to Umbreon's Palace for the Shoutbox smilies. ^^
Kasumi is owned and copyrighted by Misakii, aka Wishjirachi. No content, graphics, or designs shall be redistributed anywhere on the internet. Design/CSS by Miko Reznor.