Find Cherrim!
Congratulations,You found Cherrim!
$check_award_win = rand(1, 30);
$winning_award = array("$win");
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
if($check_award_win == 30)
$random_award= rand(0, count($winning_award) - 1);
echo ($winning_award[$random_award]);
echo "
Sorry, you did not find Cherubi. Try again?";
echo "Tee hee~ Hi there! *giggles* I'm Cherrim, and I live in the land of Kasumi! ^_^ Right now I would be the happiest Cherrim in the world... but... *bursts into tears* my little brother Cherubi is missing... *sobs*. Last time he was playing in the Cherrim Fields with all the wild Pokemon there, and now... he's ... gone! >_< Will you help me find little brother Cherubi?
Tee hee, thanks!~ I knew you'd say yes, desu~ Now, just click the button below to begin searching!~ Oh, and if you find him... I'll give you a present!~ *giggles* Good luck!
Good luck on your search!~ To begin searching, click the button below!~";
Credits go to
Umbreon's Palace for the Shoutbox smilies.