Find Cherrim!

Congratulations,You found Cherrim!
"; $check_award_win = rand(1, 30); $winning_award = array("$win"); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if($check_award_win == 30) { $random_award= rand(0, count($winning_award) - 1); echo ($winning_award[$random_award]); } else echo "Sorry... You didn
Sorry, you did not find Cherubi. Try again?"; } else echo "Tee hee~ Hi there! *giggles* I'm Cherrim, and I live in the land of Kasumi! ^_^ Right now I would be the happiest Cherrim in the world... but... *bursts into tears* my little brother Cherubi is missing... *sobs*. Last time he was playing in the Cherrim Fields with all the wild Pokemon there, and now... he's ... gone! >_< Will you help me find little brother Cherubi? Tee hee, thanks!~ I knew you'd say yes, desu~ Now, just click the button below to begin searching!~ Oh, and if you find him... I'll give you a present!~ *giggles* Good luck!

Good luck on your search!~ To begin searching, click the button below!~"; ?>
' method='POST'>


Credits go to Umbreon's Palace for the Shoutbox smilies.
Kasumi is owned and copyrighted by Misakii, aka Wishjirachi. No content, graphics, or designs shall be redistributed anywhere on the internet. Design/CSS by Miko Reznor.