2. Now, open up GIMP. Go File --> New, and set the size to 800px by 200px. Then click the "OK" button. You should get a blank 800x200px sized canvas.
3. It's time to add effects now!~ We'll start with a gradient. Select the gradient tool, and then choose a gradient from the huge list. Once you've taken your pick, hold down the left mouse button, and swipe your mouse pointer across the canvas.
4. After adding the gradient, we'll add some filters and effects. Go up to the "Filters" tab near the top of the GIMP Window. Go down to "Artistic", and choose "Cubism". Adjust the levels of cubism until you're happy with the result. Remember, you can
always undo your last mistake by going to the "Edit" tab, and choosing "Undo". Also, you don't always have to "cubism" your banner. Try various effects under the Filters tab, and find out what works best for you~
5. Now, your banner is nearly finished!~ But it is kind of looking a bit plain, so why don't we add some light to it? Go to the Filters tab, then "Light and Shadow", and then select "Supernova". Fiddle with the new popup window's bars and stuff (like
adjusting the color of the Supernova) and wait for the preview to show up. When you're happy wiht it, go ahead and click OK. Remember to drag the supernova on the preview to the place you want before clicking OK. ^^ your
banner should look something like this:
6. Okies, now it's time to finally add in the Pokemon image/render that you chose!~ copy and paste it onto GIMP, (right-click --> Edit --> paste) and then use the very first dotted box tool on the top left corner of the Toolbox. After clicking on the
dotted box tool, drag the image around until it is exactly where you wanted it. If your image has a whitish background, right-click on it (on GIMP) go to "Layers" and then go to "Color to Alpha". Then a popup window
should appear. Just click the "OK" button. Okay, you're all set!~ You've got yourself a banner!~
7. Now time for addding text. Select the big "A" (text) tool from the Toolbox. You can adjust the font size and font you'd like to use. In this example, I use "Bleeding Cowboys". You can download it at Dafont.com.
8. Okay, you're basically finished now~ You can add some last-minute touches if you want~ I used a "spark" brush on my Buizel banner. =D