Request a Graphic?

Welcome! If you'd like to request any graphic at all, please continue reading~ ^_^ Ok! Um... well, you can request any graphic you'd like from the list below, and I will try my best to make it for you! Right now, here are the list of graphics you can choose from:
  • Banners (any size)
  • Buttons ( 88x31 pixels or 88x16 pixels
  • Avatars/Icons ( default size (you can pick another if you want!)
  • Desktop Wallpapers (any size)
  • Splash/Enter/404 Error sign (any size)
  • Renders/PNG*

* I can't specify the size the this since you're requesting a custom rendered image


Ok, the rules are...
  • Please give credit or a small mention somewhere on your site when you display the graphic. It can be in the disclaimer, on a credits section on your navigation, or even a credits or thanks page. ^^
  • Please don't take the graphic and remove the credits and say you made it by yourself~ =)

If you think you can follow the Rules, then please choose which form to fill out below:

the forms

Request a Banner?
Request an Avatar/Icon?
Request a Desktop wallpaper?
Request a Splash/Enter/404 Sign?
Request a render/PNG?


Credits go to Umbreon's Palace for the Shoutbox smilies. ^^
Kasumi is owned and copyrighted by Misakii, aka Wishjirachi. No content, graphics, or designs shall be redistributed anywhere on the internet. Design/CSS by Miko Reznor.